Embark on a journey of Exploration, Empowerment, and Holistic Care.
For over two decades, we've been the go-to destination for client-centred physiotherapy services, dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of each patient we serve.
As registered providers of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), our commitment is to develop tailored programs that inspire and enable people living with disabilities to pursue their passions and realise their full potential.
Improve their mobility to discover hidden treasures in their local community.
Relieve pain and discomfort, allowing them to immerse themselves in the joy of adventure.
Unleash their inner strength
Explore new technologies and equipment
Provide training and support to the people in their lives
NDIS Participant-Focused Services: As a community-focused physiotherapy provider, we offer specialised services to meet the unique needs of NDIS participants. We welcome both self-managed and plan-managed participants, ensuring accessibility for all.
Accessible Care, Anywhere: We prioritise the participant convenience by offering face-to-face treatments without travel charges. Our team's diverse range of skills creates dynamic and motivating scenarios tailored to your individual needs.
Whether it is at home, at the gym, the park and local pool, we will be right beside you all the way!
Celebrating Inclusion: Experience care that celebrates diversity in language, background, and LGTIBQ+ identities. At UPG, we're dedicated to providing a supportive and empowering well-being journey for everyone.
We will work with you to set up individual physiotherapy goals that directly relate to your NDIS goals and ensure progressive work towards their achievement.
Our therapists understand the importance of report writing for your review process and ensure that you receive this in a timely manner.
Continuity of Care
We understand how important it is for you to have continuity in your working relationship with your therapist.
We understand the NDIS can be a complex space and at times you need more support than you are currently receiving - where appropriate we can assist in advocating for the support you need through our effective report writing process.
Friendly and Communicative
Our team commits to an approach that is participant-centered we put you first.
Functional Assessments
Neuro Rehabilitation
Cardio Rehabilitation
Assisted Technologies (Equipment)
Cardiorespiratory assessment
Service Areas
Victoria - Metropolitan Melbourne and regional
New South Wales - Metropolitan Sydney and regional
Tasmania - Hobart and surrounding communities
Queensland - Brisbane and surrounding communities
Call 1300 884 171
To see how we can support you with your NDIS goals.